Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Puddles of Consciousness

Well here I am then: belatedly pushing myself out of the binary womb i've grown all too comfortable in. No longer sat in my bubble, listening to the Bloggery of you clever people, consuming, eavesdropping, lurking but never proffering a response.

Here I am. Naked, vulnerable, pink and moist. Too shocked to cough yet, let alone scream.

So come on then: Come and snip the umbilical; Come and turn me in your arms; Smile at my overwhelmed face; Smooth away my uncertainty.


I decided to come out (as it were) in response to a moving post by my friend Trousers. And also because the humour in my faux-petulant pronouncements of "oooh I suppose you're going to spend time with your Virtual friends again" each time we were together and veered into the vicinity of a computer was wearing thin. Like an over-chewed stick of Wrigleys.

I had intended to establish the theme of my Blog-presence as "Stream of Consciousness", but this sounds far too grandiose. So on reflection, puddles of consciousness seems more fitting. As I lack both the intellectual rigour and dedication of you serious Blogites (or whatever the vernacular is) I promise to spew out my unrefined musings periodically and encourage you to respond to them as you seem fit.

In the meantime, be gentle with me. I'm not yet on solids.


trousers said...

Well I like the look of this place, and its good to see that you've finally dropped, as it were. I'm looking forward to seeing what hellish (or even nice) musings might result.


Sinister Welder said...

Thanks Trousers.
It's very fitting that you're the one to perform the task of forcing this little newborn to take his first rasping lungfull of independence.


trousers said...

I see.

I'll be dropping by regularly in order to snoop on your progress.

Oh and at the risk of being pedantic, trousers is with a small t

anticant said...

anticant says:

Welcome to the whacky world of bloggery.

ben trovato says:

"Smack my arse and tell me to get on with it"?

Sounds more like a dungeon than a garden shed to me!

Further revelations are awaited.

the burrow beadle says:

No smacking in the Burrow.

By Order

Anna MR said...

Well, Mr Welder, welcome to the blogosphere. We just are nicer, kinder, more interesting, beautiful, and intelligent than people elsewhere. It's good to be one of us, isn't it now?

Greetings from the Northern Lands...


Sinister Welder said...

anticant, thanks for the welcome. And I promise I will abstain from swearage and spankery in the Burrow.

As for the shed ben travato, it's a place for repair, healing and creativity, so anything goes really. Thanks for dropping by.

Anna Mr, It is indeed good be accepted by you gorgeous people. I have been reading blogs by trousers, merkin and anticant so far and you regulars have created a genuinely positive network of encouragement, support and humour. It's an honour to have you visit the shed. Please come again.

trousers, It was pedantic, but I would be disappointed if you had resisted the urge to correct my oversight.


anticant said...

Thank goodness someone is prepared to behave themselves in the Burrow. For how long, I wonder?

We look forward to a guided tour of your shed. What's "sinister" about it? are you going to hold Lavvyblue and Anna MR to ransom, awaiting rescue by the Beadle, Wooffie, and the Naked Kayaker?

DJ Kirkby said...

Erm... as a midwife I liked the birth references but 'spew'? Urgh...!!!
*goes off to sit quietly in a corner and comment watch*

trousers said...

Now then now then (er..) one noted commenter, a Ms lavenderblue, has pointed out that as a non-Googler she cannot comment on this site and was wondering if you might change your settings (eg under the comments box it says This blog does not allow anonymous comments)

anticant said...

Guessing who has left the anonymous or pseudonymous comments is half the fun.

Anna MR said...

Ohhh - I'm being held to ransom in a sinister shed? This is a strange development for a Wednesday. I look forward to hearing what happens to me.

anticant said...

If - as we hope - there is a bar in the shed, I suppose it is a Bar Sinister?

Sinister Welder said...

I was taken ill last night (a leftover from my recent trip to Cuba methinks...more of which later) and ended up in my bunk very early for this nocturnal creature! So imagine my pleasure at discovering 6 more comments AND delicious Free association to boot.

I can see I'm gonna like this Blog Thang.

anticant, the 'sinister' element is alluded to in my profile. I may elaborate in a later blog. As for my ransome requests? assorted metals, brazing rods and mig wire should see the safe return of all hostages, but before sunrise, so be warned!

dj kirkby, sorry if I offended you, but I assure you I didn't use the word 'spew' in reference to my metaphorical birthing, but rather to describe the method of my new-born utterances. Think of it as me ejecting any residual prenatal mucous...or summat.

trousers, thanks for that I'll look into changing the setting forthwith.

anna mr, it may hurt a bit at first, but I can assure you, it will be aesthetic.

anticant again, I am currently pouring you the very first shot of flux from the optics of 'bar sinister'


zola a social thing said...

Due to the rather vegetarian nature of this wonderful blog-site so far I thought that ( in the shed at the bottom of the garden) a good injection of meat might be appreciated.

Anna MR said...

As a nothing-that-flies-or-runs-type I must take issue as to what I get injected with, but painful-but-aesthetic sounds ok. Is it going to be welded to me? Ask a silly question...

Anonymous said...

hello,sinister welder !
Well - I'm ready for it.
where is my Barstool.......
I do like a good shed.x

Anonymous said...

And will we be having sing-songs ?

I just found this...and thought of you !

to the tune of.......
(Battle Hymn of the Republic)
I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot
I wear my flannel nighties in the winter when it's not
And sometime in the springtime and sometimes in the fall
I jump right in between the sheets with nothing on at all
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, what's it to ya
Balmy breezes blowing through ya
With nothing on at all

anticant said...

Oh dear, now you're letting the riff-raff in.

zola a social thing said...

Oh dear me another respectable blog gone to the realms of blogging.

Anonymous said...

Ok......I am so HURT.....
I have picked up my coat....and hat........peeled off my knickers.........and maybe,just maybe you will say 'hello' before I subside into sobs.............

Ever loving sweetsmelling lavender

Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry lav - I have it on good authority that he's away for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

oh thank you trousers......erm,how do you know ? thinks....so were you.....baffled bewitched bothered and bewildered...............well! bugger me ! Hope 'he' is back soon, then.....x

Anonymous said...

Come on then lets have more writings!

Anonymous said...

Oh trousers ! yes..i am in the original puddle.....x
A martyr no less..............

Anonymous said...

OK.Is this another reason for a Search Party.?
He can't have been pissed for over a week.........can he ?

Anonymous said...

I'll give him a shout later and call him to task on this.

Sinister Welder said...

Sorry for the silence peeps, i've been visiting with my parents in N Yorks and preparing for a workshop I'm delivering in the cotswolds this weekend! Something I agreed to back in January, which I'm now regretting (more of this in my next blog)

Zola - Your meat is welcome here in the shed, and after a few snifters, I might even break out my wide selecion of polish sausages.

Lavenderblue - Singing in the shed os more than encouraged, it is absolutely obligatory. It made me blush, but welcome along!

See you all on sunday night.

Anonymous said...


By Order

[Smacks arse]

Anonymous said...

Well ! Welcome back !!
Lying here in wait for you.hehehehx

Anonymous said...

Ah well...............maybe some other time !

Merkin said...

The end is nigh!
The Merkin is here.
And no amount of Polish Kielbasa or Wodka will make me change my......

Er, Sucha and Zybrowka?
Changed my mind then.

Bring it on, big yin.

trousers said...


Anonymous said...

Oh and I've tagged you - head over to the trouser press for details. Wherever you are.

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck are you......I realise that trousers is busying himself wearing a frock right now........but does that stop you saying 'hello'..........or 'bugger off ' ..erm unless of course it is your frock..........in which case well, any way you want to play it...I am cold and lonely on my own in your shed,with just the Hobo spiders for company..........